Monday, August 8, 2011

Life's lessons

It's been a rather interesting couple of weeks. The Universe has seen fit to have me review a life lesson I seem to be having trouble with. Actually two of them. I have a rather larger than life personality. My friends say I tell it like it is and shoot from the hip, etc. I think I have a quick brain and mouth with a slow edit button and I always go for the punchline. Some people get me, many don't. I am always invited to parties because I am funny and it is invaluable when I am teaching and coaching. Nonetheless, I go to bed every night reviewing my daily commentary and cringing as I reinterpret my comments. I can easily give myself one hundred lashes every evening. So the rest of you Virgos out there are nodding your heads in agreement. We do seem prone to this penchant for perfection. In any case, a couple of people have reprimanded me for how my comments made them feel. Here's the lesson. I am not responsible for your feelings. Your interpretation of my words was completely taken out of context and obviously triggered some issues you are hiding from. I am learning not to berate myself for your emotional response. I am a nice person and I know I never joke with a hurt in mind. I am direct enough to let you know when I am pissed. So my lesson is to be more secure in my conversations and not let someone elses feelings impact mine. It's a good lesson. I am still learning it.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Self employment

I've been self employed for over 10 years. Let me rephrase that, the majority of my working hours are considered self employment but I am an employee for 2 days of the week. I am most likely very average for many self employed people, keeping something on the side for a regular paycheque. I was raised in a Northern City where there was one major employer and I absorbed the attitude of "job security". Not having a regular paycheque was equivalent to financial suicide. I have balanced these two career lifestyles and warred with myself frequently about making the jump into complete self employment but the self employment pay cheque is erratic, a feast or famine scenario. Quite frankly, my life would be much easier if I increased my employee hours, the work is there, but I cannot even fathom doing that. I think about my home business 24/7. I am constantly writing notes and developing courses and programs and other methods of creating income. I work very hard to provide a superior product and then work even more on improving them. My mind rarely shuts down. There are the odd days where the thought of doing anything for my home business feel more like work then it should. I ask myself if I am avoiding a job or really simply drained. I try to work through the aversions and listen to my body when I feel drained. I work much harder at my self employment for considerably less financial remuneration but while it does not feed me on a financial level, it provides me creativity, spirituality and independence of thought. So for now, I will stay employed part-time and continue with my self employment. The boss of my home business is awesome.

Monday, July 11, 2011

What next?

So many of us reach crossroads in our life and say what next? What path should I take? So many variables can affect this decision. Most times economy or financial issues provide the main impetus behind deciding which path we are going to take. And many times the result is not what we hoped it to be. Sure, the money is coming in and the bills are being paid but we still have the sense of discontent. Something just isn't right.

So now you need to ask yourself when you feel happiest or more content. What are you doing when you get this feeling? Does this hobby/activity/pursuit have a capability for income? Did you ever think about that? Maybe you should.